Taking Care of You

Postpartum Health

Congratulations, your baby has arrived! While you will be preoccupied caring for your newborn, there is one more important person you need to take care of in the postpartum period - yourself.

In This Section


Bleeding after delivery is called Lochia. It may start off as heavy as a heavy period, but you should notice a decrease on a daily basis. Bleeding, spotting and bloody discharge may go on for a few days to a few weeks.


If you are not breastfeeding, your first period will start about 6 to 8 weeks after delivery. However, you will have released an egg a few weeks earlier than when your period first appears, which means if you are sexually active within this time, you have a chance of getting pregnant.


Even if you were physically active before and during pregnancy, don’t get ready for a marathon just yet – you’ve already finished one! Take it slow! Give your body time to recover and ease back gently into physical activity.

Postpartum Depression

Having a new baby is one of life’s pure joys – but it can also be exhausting and stressful. Most women will go through a period of the ‘baby blues’ as they adjust to their new role and their body adjusts to the hormonal surges of the postpartum period. How do you know if what you are experiencing is normal and when do you seek help?

Postpartum Heart Health

Women are at a greater risk of having heart disease or a stroke if they had high blood pressure, a very small baby, a placental abruption, an early delivery or diabetes in pregnancy.

Prevention & Treatment of Urinary Incontinence

There can be a significant improvement in these symptoms with pelvic floor muscles exercises or “Kegel exercises”. The most important factors for success with pelvic floor muscle training include proper technique and regular and continuous training of the muscles.


Everything you need to know about resuming an active and healthy sex life after baby.

Weight Loss

It takes forty weeks to gain the extra pounds needed to create a baby but unfortunately, the weight does not disappear right after delivery. Weight loss should happen slowly over weeks or months; the majority of women will be back to their pre-pregnancy weight 6 to 12 months after delivery.